Health Care & Spiritual Care For the Uninsured

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Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

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Free Clinic Locations

Primary Care for adults without medical insurance. Hablamos español.


Call for Appointment

80 Books Road
Ferndale, NY

Alternating Saturdays:
9 AM-Noon


Call for Appointment

42 State Route 17A
Goshen, NY

Alternating Saturdays:
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

If this is an emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately.
The clinics do not offer emergency services.

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Praying Together.

Would you pray for CHCM? There are 168 hours in the week, and we surrender each one to God. As you partner through prayer, God expands our ability to reach people and share the good news that Jesus loves them. You will receive an email each week with the upcoming clinic hours and any special prayer needs. Click the button to join.

Join Prayer 168

What is Christ Health Care Ministry?

A 501(c)(3) that serves patients without medical insurance. All primary care is provided free.

Partner with Churches

CHCM partners with churches and other organizations to establish free clinics that provide adult primary care. We work with providers to secure liability insurance.

Partner with Hospitals

CHCM partners with area hospitals and specialists. Our clinics use EPIC as an EHR. Volunteers help patients fill out the hospital financial aid forms.

Partner with Providers

CHCM is Gospel-Centric and compassionate. Our intention is to offer our patients the same high level of care they would receive at a paid clinic.


Golf 8th Annual Team Picture 

Sign Up For Our
9th Annual Golf Outing!
Registration is open

Read about our 8th Annual CHCM Golf Tournament. We raise Money to Support the Needy and Uninsured.  CHCM is raising money to help those in need - it doesn’t get better than that.


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Ministry with CHCM

Doctor  |  Nurse Practitioner  |  Physicians Assistant
Nurse  |  Medical Student

Host  |  Setup  |  Pastor  |  Clinical Prayer Support
Translator  |  Administrative  |  Clinic Manager

Information Technology  |  Database

Social Media  |  Video Production  |  Website
Graphic Arts  |  PPT/Keynote Decks
Email Marketing  |  StoryTelling  |  Copywriting

Golf Tournament  |  Special Events | Corporate Partnerships


Why should you care?

We have a great opportunity to be difference-makers. Both the Old and New Testaments help us understand God's heart for those in need by offering specific instructions and also through example.

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