"As a Christian medical student living in a competitive environment with the pressure to do well and succeed, I found myself easily and often losing sight of God's direction for my life. By becoming more and more focused and concerned with grades, I found myself slowly burning out, easily discouraged, dissatisfied, and filled with negativity, especially towards myself.  

In the midst of such thoughts and feelings, I was signed up to volunteer at the Ferndale Clinic. Not only was it a healthy, and refreshing, break away from anything school-related, but it was a chance to observe and experience what I was being taught in the classroom applied in real practice, and see the impact it had on people.  Also to note was being able to meet other volunteers of the same faith and having the opportunity to learn from each other as we served together through the pursuit of similar interests. In spite of the language barrier I faced, I was able to focus more on the interaction between people - between patients, between volunteers, between patient and physician, etc.  I saw everything from appreciation, respect, community, love, sincerity, to trust.

This was an invaluable experience that brought the human/people aspect of medicine to light. As such, it was opportunity for me to regain focus of why I wanted to pursue a life in the field of medicine, and how much God had, and still is, guiding me on this journey.  I am truly grateful for having the opportunity to serve despite my limited abilities. I look forward to the next session and hope to continue to grow both as a Christian and medical student."

Joy Hur is a second year student at the Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine-Middletown